Fenomenalnie lekkie felietony o językowych potknięciach
Ogromnym plusem jest forma tej książki - podzielone na 9 tematów felietony - pypcie z życia wzięte, pypcie kulturalne, historyczne i nostalgiczne, współczesne, wirtualne i komórkowe, kulinarne, zapożyczone, językoznawcze i obywatelskie - lekko i ze swadą traktują o polszczyźnie. Każdy zawiera jakąś językową ciekawostkę, potknięcie, frazę, która staje się podstawą do napisania krótkiego i zawsze zgrabnie skonstruowanego tekstu. Nie tylko poczucie humoru nigdy nie zawodzi autora, ale również bezbłędne wyczucie taktu i profesjonalizm, nawet przy omawianiu języka wyborów czy kampanii politycznych. Nie wspominając o wyczulonym polonistycznym uchu i oku.

Moja ocena: 8/10
Michał Rusinek, Pypcie na języku
Wydawnictwo Agora
Warszawa 2017
ISBN: 978-83-268-2552-1
It's been a while since I've laughed out loud while reading a book. Authentically, freely, often in public places. Does a linguistic book need a better recommendation?
Phenomenally light columns on language mistakes
A huge plus is the form of this book - columns divided into 9 topics of language slips- real life pips, cultural, historical and nostalgic pips, contemporary, virtual and mobile, culinary, borrowed, linguistic and civic pips - they treat Polish language with lightness and delicacy. Each contains a linguistic curiosity, a stumble, a phrase that becomes the basis for writing a short and always neatly constructed text. Not only the sense of humor never fails the author, but also the flawless sense of tact and professionalism, even when discussing the language of choices or political campaigns. Not to mention the presence of an ear and eye sensitive to the shape of Polish language.
The book is written in an accessible, brilliant way, extremely funny. I assume that everyone will find their favorite language lapsus, mine will remain the name of the branded perfume from The Fake column - with "dangerously - for our market - transformed name: Vesrace" (p. 22). There are plenty of such flavors there, and the reader will put down the book not only with a smile on his face, but also at the same time relaxed after excellent entertainment and concerned about the state of Polish.
My rating: 8/10
Author: Michał Rusinek
Title: Pips on the tongue
Publishing House: Agora
Warszawa 2017
ISBN: 978-83-268-2552-1
My rating: 8/10
Author: Michał Rusinek
Title: Pips on the tongue
Publishing House: Agora
Warszawa 2017
ISBN: 978-83-268-2552-1
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